Trade & Political Economy

Spilker G., Nguyen Q., Bernauer T. (2020) Trading Arguments: Opinion Updating in the Context of International Trade Agreements. International Studies Quarterly, DOI: external page

Kolcava, D., Nguyen, Q., and Bernauer, T. (2019). Does trade liberalization lead to environmental burden shifting in the global economy? Ecological Economics, 163: 98-112. DOI: external page 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.05.006 (Get Download Copy (PDF, 634 KB))

Spilker, G., Bernauer, T., Kim, I. S., Milner, H., Osgood, I., and Tingley, D. (2018). Trade at the margin: Estimating the economic implications of preferential trade agreements. The Review of International Organizations, 13, 189–242. DOI: external page 10.1007/s11558-018-9306-7

Spilker, G., Bernauer, T., and Umana, V. (2018). What Kinds of Trade Liberalization Agreements Do People in Developing Countries Want? International Interactions, forthcoming. DOI: external page 10.1080/03050629.2018.1436316

Osgood, I., Tingley, D., Bernauer, T., Kim, I. S., Milner, H., and Spilker, G. (2017). The Charmed Life of Superstar Exporters: Survey Evidence on Firms and Trade Policy. The Journal of Politics79(1): 133-​152. DOI: external page 10.1086/687207

McGrath, L. (2016). Insuring Against Past Perils: The Politics of Post-​Currency Crisis Foreign Exchange Reserve Accumulation Political Science Research and Methods. DOI: external page 10.1017/psrm.2016.9

Spilker, G., Bernauer, T., and Umana, V. (2016). Selecting Partner Countries for Preferential Trade Agreements: Experimental Evidence from Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Vietnam. International Studies Quarterlyexternal page

Bernauer, T., Nguyen, Q. (2015) Free Trade and/or Environmental Protection? Global Environmental Politics, No. 4 , pp. 105-129. doi: 10.1162/GLEP_a_00327.

Sattler, T., Spilker, G., Bernauer, T.(2013) Is WTO Dispute Settlement Primarily an Enforcement or a Rule-Clarification Device? British Journal of Political Science DOI: 10.1017/S0007123413000136.

Michael M. Bechtel, Thomas Bernauer & Reto Meyer (2011): The green side of protectionism: Environmental concerns and three facets of trade policy preferences, Review of International Political Economy, DOI:10.1080/09692290.2011.611054

Thomas Sattler and Thomas Bernauer. 2010. Gravitation or Discrimination? Determinants of Litigation in the World Trade Organization. European Journal of Political Research 50/2, 2011: 143–167.

Michael M. Bechtel. 2009. The Political Sources of Systematic Investment Risk: Lessons from a Consensus Democracy. Journal of Politics 71/2:661–677.