Environmental Treaties

Koubi,V., Mohrenberg S., and Bernauer T. (2021) Ratification of multilateral environmental agreements: Civil society access to international institutions. Journal of Civil Society.

Mohrenberg S., Koubi,V. and Bernauer T. (2019) Effects of funding mechanisms on participation in multilateral environmental agreements. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics.

Betzold, C., Bernauer, T., Koubi, V. (2015) Press Briefings in International Climate Change Negotiations. Environmental Communication, forthcoming.

Böhmelt, T., Bernauer, T., Koubi, V. (2014) The Marginal Impact of ENGOs in Different Types of Democratic Systems. European Political Science Review, DOI: 10.1017/S175577391400006X

Vollenweider, J. (2013) The effectiveness of international environmental agreements. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law, and Economics DOI: 10.1007/s10784-012-9193-y

Bernauer, T., Kalbhenn, A., Koubi. V., Spilker, G. (2013) Is There a ‘Depth versus Participation’ Dilemma in International Cooperation? Review of International Organizations 8/1: DOI 10.1007/s11558-013-9165-1.

Böhmelt, T., Vollenweider, J. (2013) Information Flows through Linkages: The Effectiveness of the CLRTAP Network. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 15(2): 105-123, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10784-013-9218-1.

Spilker, G. 2012. Helpful Organizations: Membership in Inter-Governmental Organizations and Environmental Quality in Developing Countries. British Journal of Political Science 42: 345-370.

Böhmelt, T., Pilster, U. 2011. Zur Problematik kollektiven Handelns – Eine quantitative Studie internationaler Umweltregime. [On Problems of Collective Action – A Quantitative Study of International Environmental Regimes]. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 18 (2): 63-90.

Tobias Boehmelt and Ulrich H. Pilster. 2010. International Environmental Regimes - Legalization, Flexibility, and Effectiveness. Australian Journal of Political Science 45/2:245-260.

Thomas Bernauer, Anna Kalbhenn, Vally Koubi, and Gabi Spilker. 2010. A Comparison of International and Domestic Sources of Global Governance Dynamics. British Journal of Political Science doi:10.1017/S0007123410000098.