Clara Brügge

Clara Brügge

Clara Brügge

Lecturer at the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences

ETH Zürich

Internat. Beziehungen, Bernauer

IFW C 40.5

Haldeneggsteig 4

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Clara Brügge started her PhD at ETH Zurich in April 2022. She holds a Master's degree in Development Studies from the London School of Economics, where she focused on renewable energy transitions in low- and middle-income countries. Previously, she completed a Bachelor's degree in Politics and Public Administration at the University of Konstanz and Sciences Po Paris.

During her studies, Clara gained research experience as a student assistant at the Reiner Lemoine Institute and the German Development Institute and was a scholar of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation. Outside of academia, she worked as a Carlo Schmid Fellow at the OECD, as a consultant for the UN Environment Programme, and as an intern at the German Permanent Mission to the UN.

Clara is part of the Sustainable Supply Chain Lab and the Swiss Environmental Panel project, which researches citizens' opinions and preferences on climate change and environmental issues in cooperation with the Swiss Federal Environmental Agency (BAFU). Her research focuses on policy measures that aim to increase the sustainability, circularity and security of supply chains for decarbonization technologies. 

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